Electric Heaters (Ultimate Guide)

Many homeowners are curious about electric heaters because they don’t know much about them. Electric heat is a popular heating choice because it’s to install when compared to gas and oil options.

Electricity unit prices are more expensive than gas but you have a large variety of products to choose from and you also have much lower maintenance costs, unlike gas boiler systems.

The other great thing about an electric heater is that it doesn’t need any venting or ductwork, so installation can be as simple as plugging the unit into a nearby outlet.

Let’s answer some other questions that frequently come up when people are considering electric heat systems.

Are electric heaters safe

Most people are not sure about the safety of electric heaters.

Electric heaters are safe and provide all the warmth you need during cold months. The best part about them is that modern appliances can use less energy than other types of heating systems so they are not only safer but more economical as well.

Just because you have an electric heater doesn’t mean that something bad will happen, as long as you’re being safe when using it. 

The important thing is to keep your heater out of reach from children and pets, don’t use it if there is a power surge (which could cause a fire), and make sure that your cords aren’t frayed or damaged in any way.

Can electric heaters make you sick

You should also periodically check for dust buildup on both the heating element and fan blades inside the unit which could lead to overheating/fire hazards if left unchecked.

Finally, most modern electric heaters come with automatic safety shut-offs in place so the heater will turn off if it becomes overloaded.

The fact that electric heat doesn’t produce fumes as oil or propane heaters do, is also an advantage since you can use it almost anywhere indoors without worrying about carbon monoxide poisoning.

Can electric heaters make you sick

Electric heaters are a great way to stay warm and cosy during the winter, but they can make the air in your home excessively dry. This won’t necessarily make you sick, but it can irritate your skin, eyes, nose and make some people feel slightly ill.

It’s important to know how to protect yourself by following these guidelines:

  1. Have a means of ventilating your room while using an electric heater.
  2. When using an electric space heater always place it on something like a table or stand. Never place it on a surface where it can come into contact with furniture, bedding, drapes etc as this could cause a fire hazard. If you have to place the unit on a surface near these things make sure it’s at least 3 feet away or more.
  3. Keep an eye on kids and pets when using an electric space heater just in case they get too close to the heater and knock it over.
  4. Never leave an electric space heater plugged in if you’re not home or if you’re asleep and unaware of what’s going on around you.
  5. Always unplug your electric heater before cleaning it because you could get electrocuted.

Are electric fan heaters dangerous

Electric heaters can be dangerous in many ways – including causing fires or electrical shocks.

Electric fan heaters are simple to use and don’t cost a lot to operate, but they also have some drawbacks

Can electric heaters make you sick

It’s important to know how to use electric fan heaters safely for the best results and the least chance of causing damage or injury. Before trying this type of heater make sure you follow these simple rules:

  • Make sure that your electric heater has an On/Off switch that is easy to access if you need to.
  • Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using your electric heater, don’t improvise or take shortcuts
  • Always treat your electric fan heater with respect and avoid carelessly touching it as it could be hotter than you expect.
  • Try to avoid use an extension cord while using a space heating device – make sure to plug it directly into the wall outlet.
  • Make sure your electric heater has its own properly grounded electrical outlet, otherwise it won’t operate correctly and could cause a fire.
  • Ensure that your electric fan heater is at least 3 feet away from combustible items like bedding and furniture.
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The biggest drawback to electric fan heaters is that they don’t heat up an entire room, so you may find yourself moving them around to different locations in your home as you move from room to room.

This can be a little inconvenient and time-consuming, but it’s still better than using other types of heaters which can cost you more in energy costs.

Are electric heaters safe for birds

Electric heaters aren’t dangerous to birds, but there are a few things to look out for.

First, if you have a bird who spends time outdoors or in an aviary during the winter months it’s probably best not to let them spend extended periods of time near an electric heater as they could be affected by the dry air which is common near these types of heaters.

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Secondly, if you have a bird in an indoor cage it’s a good idea to move your birdcage away from the heater.

Most birds are extremely sensitive to air quality issues and anything that reduces the humidity in your home will be dangerous for them.

Lastly, if you use a ceramic heater with a built-in dome-like structure on top, be sure your bird doesn’t get near the dome when the heater is turned on or while it’s warming up because they could fly right into it and get burned.

Should electric heaters be left on overnight

If you have an electric heater and you keep it running all night long while you sleep, not only will it be wasting electricity but also costing you money in the process. 

Your body temperature drops at night and keeping your electric heater running overnight won’t help heat you sleep any better.

Are electric heaters safe for birds

It’s best to turn off your heater at night and allow it to work when you’re awake and need warmth during the day.

Also, for safety reasons, you should always unplug or turn off an electric heater before going to bed at night. This helps eliminate the risk to your home and keep your family safe from fire hazards.

Can electric heaters cause fires

Electric heater-related house fires are not as common as you might think, but that doesn’t mean they’re not something worth worrying about.

A recent study found that electric heaters are responsible for about one-third of all home fires. And the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) states that heating equipment is a leading cause of fires in many homes.

With this knowledge, it is important to know how to use your heater safely and avoid dangerous scenarios.

If you have an electric space heater, be sure that it is not near anything flammable like curtains or furniture because these items can catch on fire when they come in contact with a hot surface.

Can electric heaters cause fires

When using your space heater, always keep at least 2 – 3 feet away from any combustible material and never leave them unattended while plugged in even if you do plan to sleep through the night.

It is also important to make sure that there is nothing blocking the vent so air can circulate properly around the heating elements which will help them heat up more effectively.

Are electric heaters safe for the elderly

Usually, yes, but it’s best to be cautious when using them around an elderly person or family member.

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If you have a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, keep in mind that they may not realize how hot these devices can get and may try to touch it when it’s switched on which could cause a dangerous scenario.

Be sure to place your electric heater out of reach in a secure location, and let your elderly family member know that the unit is hot before turning it off.

Are electric heaters safe for the elderly

Alternatively, just stick to a wall mounted electric storage heater that is out of the way and not a trip hazard.

Also, if you have an elderly family member who lives with you, make sure they never use the space heater without another person present

If you should leave an electric heater plugged in while you’re not home, make sure it’s not near anything that could catch on fire.

Can electric heaters cause headaches

If you suffer from headaches, migraines, or sinus congestion while your electric heater is working, then it just might be the culprit.

It can happen for a number of reasons. 

Electric heaters work by drying the air and can increase air temperature in a room which can make us feel warmer. This feeling of warmth combined with the dryness of heating systems might exacerbate chronic conditions like sinusitis or rhinitis (inflammation caused by allergies).

Some people experience headaches due to sensitivity to light and noise – especially fluorescent lights – and these symptoms also tend to worsen during winter time when we’re less likely to open windows or spend time in brighter spaces.

It is also a good idea to check that your heater doesn’t produce any loud noises as this can disturb you while trying to sleep.

Are electric space heaters safe for pets

In general, yes, but if your pet spends more time around the house than usual during winter time it’s best to be extra cautious.

Are electric heaters safe for the elderly

If your electric heater is too close to the floor, it may cause a burn on your pet’s paws or tail. You should also be sure that there are no electric cords around the home where pets can chew them up and risk electrocution.

If you have pets that frequently walk around the house, then a great alternative to electric heaters is using underfloor heating systems that will distribute heat evenly throughout the room.

Also, it’s not a bad idea to check with your pet’s vet first for any recommended heating options just in case they have an illness that could be worsened by exposure to heat or cold.

Can electric heaters make your power bill go up

It’s important to know that when you constantly use an electric heater, it will cause your power bill to go up.

It is worth noting, however, that a lot of the modern electrical heater models are cheaper to run than gas. It all depends on which unit you’re looking at and what type of energy it uses.

Are electric heaters safe for the elderly

If you’re worried about rising energy bills, there are a few things you can do to minimise the damage.

One of the best ways is to buy an electric heater with an automatic timer or install standalone timers on your electric heater. This way, you can lower the thermostat by a few degrees during the day and turn it back up when you get home.

By plugging in the device and setting up a timer, you’ll also be able to take advantage of off-peak electricity rates.

Are electric space heaters safe for kids

The winter months can be tough on anyone, but they are especially hard for children and pets. There is nothing worse than coming home to a cold house where all you want to do is snuggle up with your little one or pet.

Electric space heaters are safe for kids and pets because they don’t produce any open flames which mean there is very little risk of getting hurt by hot surfaces, touching electrical wires or accidentally starting a fire.

Are electric space heaters safe for kids

If you do own an electric space heater, make sure the kids and pets stay at least three feet away from it. This is to avoid accidents like burns or electric shocks.

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It can be a bit of a hassle having to constantly remind your kids of the rules around the house, but as soon as they get used to them it’ll become second nature.

You can use stickers or signs to remind them of the rules and make it easier for everyone in the home.

Can you leave an electric heater on all day

Yes, but if you do so continuously it could increase your power bill. It’s best to use these types of space heaters in short periods for quick bursts of warmth and then take them off when they’re not needed.

The best type of electric heater to use in a small room is a ceramic tower heater because it has a fan on the top that quickly blows air around the room and into all four corners which helps warm up your space more efficiently.

Can you leave an electric heater on all day

Also, these types of units have built-in thermostats which means you don’t have to worry about adjusting the temperature.

If you don’t need to heat the whole room and just need a heater that will target you, then having a look at convector heaters would be your best bet.

They do not need to be set up near the ground as they only warm the objects and air in front of it. So instead of heating the room as a whole, they target smaller areas.

Can you use an extension cord with electric heater

You can use an extension cord, but it’s important to make sure the power rating of the extension cord is sufficient for what you need

If you are worried about overheating, then it would be best to consider getting a high wattage heating unit that doesn’t require you to use an extension cord.

Can you use an extension cord with electric heater

This is also a good idea for safety reasons as you don’t want to risk the device short-circuiting and starting a fire.

So always make sure the electric heater you buy has a power rating that can handle what it needs to do.

Are electric heaters bad for asthma

You’ll probably find that electric space heaters are actually better for asthmatics than many other types of heating systems, but you still need to take precautions if you notice breathing difficulties while using your electric heater.

Electric heaters don’t emit or circulate smoke, gases or dust. They also operate silently and won’t disturb you while you’re sleeping.

You could even use a heater with a thermostat to ensure the temperature is just right for your comfort level, or set it up at a safe distance from your bed so that you don’t have to get out of bed to turn it off if you start feeling sick.

Should electric heaters be left on overnight

Leaving the heater on all night doesn’t necessarily increase your heating bill, but it does use more power and consumes more fossil fuel. On the other hand, turning off an electric heater for eight hours could make a room colder than if it were left on.

Ultimately, this decision is up to you as the homeowner; what will work best for you depends largely on how much money you want to spend each month.

Should electric heaters be left on overnight

One option is to turn off your electric heaters when you are asleep and just buy a thicker blanket.

This will help save money and reduce global warming by lowering energy consumption.

You can also buy a timer that you can set to turn off after a specific period of time, in case you’re worried about forgetting to turn it off.

Final Thoughts

The important thing to remember is that with household decisions like these, safety should also be considered.

As with anything, using an electric heater comes with its own set of risks but a bit of common sense and proper precautions can help prevent accidents from occurring.

The key things to remember are that

  • Electric heaters don’t produce any harmful gases
  • You can use properly rated extension cords
  • They are a good option for asthmatics and the elderly
  • Homes should be checked regularly for damage to wiring and electrics
  • And most importantly, always turn the power off before going to bed or leaving your house for an extended period of time.

If you follow these safety guidelines, you can use your electric heater with confidence and save power without sacrificing your comfort.

You could also ask for help from a heating expert if you’re not sure what to do. On the other hand, you could just ignore all the advice in this article and wing it yourself.

Either way works, just make sure you know what you’re doing :).