Kefir is an ancient fermented milk drink that can be made at home with kefir grains. It contains probiotics, which are good for your gut health and immune system.

Kefir is a cultured milk drink that has been consumed for centuries. It’s sometimes called the “Champagne of Dairy” because it was first discovered in Eastern Europe, near where champagne originated.
Kefir is made by adding kefir grains to cow or goat milk and allowing them to ferment at room temperature. This Kefir Fermenter Starter Kit is a great way to try it safely in the comfort of your home.
Fermentation produces lactic acid which creates the tangy taste of this beverage.
The process of fermenting the milk is what makes it so good for you – but how do you keep it warm in winter?
If you want to enjoy a warm cup of kefir, here are some tips on how you can keep it warm:
- One way to keep kefir warm is by using a good thermos bottle. This will help the bacteria stay alive and active, ensuring maximum benefits from drinking this delicious beverage.
- Put a pot on your stovetop with simmering water inside and place a smaller pot with your jar of kefir over the heat source. The heat from this will keep your drink warmer for longer periods of time.
- You can also pour boiling water into an insulated container or an old coffeejar and place the jar of kefir inside.
- You can also use a slow cooker to keep your kefir warm, as long as you don’t exceed 70 degrees Celsius. You should set it on low heat for about an hour and then turn it off. The container that holds the kefir should fit easily in this appliance.
- Use a reusable insulator like an oven mitt or hot pad. This will help your kefir stay warm while you’re pouring it.
- A small electric warmer is also a great option to use. These are great because they make sure the kefir stays warm for up to 30 minutes.
- Place a heating pad (like this highly rated one) underneath the container holding your kefir and turn it on low heat for about 5 minutes before placing the jar inside. This will keep it nice and warm.
What temperature kills kefir bacteria?
Kefir is made through a process of fermentation that produces lactic acid, which gives kefir its tart flavour and tangy aroma.
Kefir bacteria need an environment with a warm temperature (25-35 degrees Celsius) to grow and thrive.

Kefir contains live kefir bacteria and yeast, which are responsible for the fermentation process. Some species of yeast can survive as low as 5 degrees Celsius
Exposing kefir to colder temperatures will not kill the bacteria inside, but it could slow down or stop fermentation from taking place.
Kefir’s unique health benefits stem from its ability to boost your immune system due to the presence of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) like Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, Streptococcus Thermophilus, Lactobacillus Casei.
How long can you keep kefir at room temperature?
The temperature of your home can have a huge impact on how long you can store kefir. Many people don’t know how long they can keep their kefir at room temperature before it goes bad.
Let me clear up any confusion for you.
- Most types of kefir will last about 2-3 days once they are taken out of the refrigerator; however, some types may go bad faster dependingnon the ingredients (ie. kefir made with coconut water may only last 1 day).
- If you live in a cold place where the temperature routinely drops below 20 degrees Celsius, kefir should not be left out longer than one hour
- Cold temperatures can cause ice crystals to form in the milk, splitting apart the fat molecules
- The bacteria that grow in your kefir are also susceptible to temperatures below freezing. This means that it may take longer for them to reproduce and ferment
- Keeping it between 20-25 degrees Celsius is the best range to make sure it lasts as long as possible.

Does Kefir go bad if not refrigerated?
Kefir should ideally be stored in the fridge with an airtight lid or sealed mason jar. If you plan on storing your kefir outside of the fridge for longer then make sure to keep it from extreme heat which will destroy some of its beneficial bacteria.
Kefir typically lasts about 2 weeks, but it may spoil if not stored properly in the fridge. If the taste of your kefir is sour, this means that it has spoiled and should be thrown out
You can use a drop of iodine solution to test if your milk production has gone bad. If you add a couple of drops to a cupful of milk and see any colour changing from blue to brownish-green, you can be sure this is a sign that it’s gone bad.
Iodine solution turns blue in the presence of fresh milk, but it will turn brownish-green when it’s gone bad.